Are you at risk of type 2 diabetes?

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It is scary to think that there are over 2 million Australians that are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body can’t maintain a healthy blood glucose (sugar) levels, which can in turn lead to complications like heart and kidney disease. In Australia there are currently 1.2 million people who are diagnosed, with an estimated 2 million people are at risk of developing this condition. (details can be found here)

Risk Factors

So what are the risk factors (that you can control)?

  • Being and unhealthy weight
  • Being Physically inactive
  • Smoking
  • Having pre-diabities

So what are the risk factors (that you can’t control)?

  • Age
  • Family History
  • Existing health conditions
  • Ethnicity

How can you reduce you risks

  • Make healthy food choices
  • Get active
  • Aim for a health weight
  • Get checked
  • Quit smoking

How can Bungypumps help

Exercise helps your body to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Try to work up to at least 30 minutes each day at an intensity where your heart rate goes up and your breathing gets harder, but you can still carry on a conversation.

Bungypumps aid in the exercising, by using Bungypumps you can use them to vary your daily routine, you can use the poles whilst you walk or use them for separate resistance training exercises. Bungypumps are well known to aid in your walks to enable you to walk easier and walk further for longer, by using Bungypumps correctly you can active more of your muscle groups and burn more energy in a shorter time. All of these adds up to more benefit to you!

You should also consider the other risk reductions however using Bungypumps will help getting active and helping with the weight.

  • To make it easy for you we have an exercise program here 
  • Have a look at the Bungypump poles here

Read this recent article from to find out more