Summer is coming and the thing is, we at Bungypump Australia what to make a change, change the shape of Australia. Did you know that 2 in 3 Australians are overweight or obese. We are looking for people who can help with that change. Bungypumps are a multi-functional training pole that can be used for all types of training including resistance training, training for walks/hikes or strength training. If you are in the Sports, Fitness and health industry there are great opportunities for you. We have great success with the over 50’s that are wanting to get moving more and also work well in rehabilitation where someone is recovering from an injury or people that just need to get moving.
Bungypumps are gentle on the body however provide a real punch in helping either recovery, weight loss or strength training. If you are in the industry or heading up a walking group the Bungypump team would like you to come on board and help promote a healthy Australia. Get in touch and see how you can help Australia and how Bungypump can help you.
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